Constella / 2019
Desk Organizers - DESKAPE(E series 1.0)

DESKAPE is a series of desk organizers designed to bring order to your chaotic workspace. Inspired by modern architecture, DESKAPE is designed to turn the boring old desk into a Chic and Minimal work environment.
DESKAPE is a product created by extruding aluminum materials. In order to find the most suitable color and texture, we conducted tests on various finishes for aluminum products.
We studied different colors and textures using anodizing and powder painting methods.
Aluminum materials typically have an anodized finish.
However, if you apply a powder coating finish to aluminum, it can become even more durable and take on a luxurious matte texture.

- CMF study photography with Dong-hyun Kim -
Client : Constella (2019)

Project - Planning / Directing
Design - Product
[ ahwe ]

Development / Mass Production / Management
[ Constella / ahwe ]

Work Together
[ thought.progress (Dong-hyun Kim) ]

[ Studio Dosi / Dae-jin Ahn ]
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